Review : Going Down in LA-LA Land (2011) Trailer
Created in: 2011
Released on: 2012-04-20
Apraisal: N/A
IMDB Rating: N/A
MPAA Rating is: Unrated
Duration: 107 minutes.
Casts By:
- Matthew Ludwinski (Adam)
- Allison Lane (Candy)
- Michael Medico (John)
- Casper Andreas (Nick)
- John Schile (Ron)
Movie Going Down in LA-LA Land (2011) Synopsis:
Young, handsome, and ambitious, Adam arrives from New York with dreams of making it big in L.A. He moves in with his zany best friend Candy who, between auditions, spends her time at the gym, shopping, or looking for a wealthy man. Adam gets off to a rocky start, complete with parking tickets and an insufferable job answering phones. A new job in production looks promising, but soon Adam finds himself dealing with down-and-out directors, washed up starlets, and meth addicts, as he starts to loose himself in a seamy underworld of gay porn and prostitution. -- (C) Official Site
Movie Going Down in LA-LA Land (2011) Trailer:
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